Náhradní Porcelán pro Jahrriesnge blue vase cna0031

Náhradní porcelán pro Jahrriesnge blue vase cna0031

Klikni pro zvětšení

  • Kód Skladu:2090031
  • Velikost: 330(H)x210(W)mm
  • Barva: vícebarevná
  • Cena: 1598.24CZK
  • Cena Poštovného: Kč 399.00
  • Zcela nový produkt s 1 ročnou zárukou!
    blue vase cna0031 porcelán verify


    Magpie: Bird of the Annunciation, something is about to happen.
    Plum Blossom: Gao Jie and proud wind, not afraid of cold, strong and beautiful, An auspicious symbol for the good news.
    Apparatus type: It is a rewarding bottle. The ancient rewarding bottle was used as a prize to reward those who have done meritorious service.
    Plum Blossom Five Fortunes:The five-petal plum blossoms are considered to be the symbol of the five blessings. They are Longevity, wealth, health, and good end.

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