Náhradní Porcelán pro Jahrriesnge hand painted white blue vase cna0080

Náhradní porcelán pro Jahrriesnge hand painted white blue vase cna0080

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  • Kód Skladu:2090080
  • Barva: vícebarevná
  • Cena: 4737.64CZK
  • Cena Poštovného: Kč 399.00
  • Zcela nový produkt s 1 ročnou zárukou!
    hand painted white blue vase cna0080 porcelán verify


    Master hand-painted blue and white porcelain vase
    Dimensions: 56cm(height)x18cm(width)
    With proficient technique and delicate brushwork, the four seasons can be shown in one stroke. The porcelain is delicate and transparent,
    The model is beautiful and elegant, and the picture is colorful.

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