Náhradní Porcelán pro Jahrriesnge horse cna0040

Náhradní porcelán pro Jahrriesnge horse cna0040

Klikni pro zvětšení

  • Kód Skladu:2090040
  • Barva: Červené
  • Cena: 2834.98CZK
  • Cena Poštovného: Kč 399.00
  • Zcela nový produkt s 1 ročnou zárukou!
    horse cna0040 porcelán verify


    Jun porcelain horse decoration creative living room office decoration crafts furnishings.
    Dimensions: 41cm(height)x14cm(width)x24cm(length)
    Kiln change glaze: It is the unexpected glaze effect that appears in the firing process of the utensils. Because the kiln contains a variety of color elements, after oxidation or reduction
    , The porcelain may show unexpected glaze effect after leaving the kiln. Because the glaze changed from the kiln appeared by accident, the shape is special, unpredictable, and unique.

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